Change Log - predictr
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
Planned updates
- .summary() method
- Weibull AFT
[0.1.27] - 2023-03-01
- MRR based NPBB are now computed correctly. A typo in the code lead to a bug that computed solely MLE based bounds, no matter if 'mrr' was set as an attribute. A big THANK YOU to William Gandler who reported this bug and various spelling mistakes!
- Minor other spelling mistakes pointed out by Antonia, Sarahi and Edna. ¡Viva México, Cabrones!
[0.1.26] - 2022-03-28
- added new style argument plot in PlotAll.contour_plot(style='...'): Currently scatter and angular line plots are supported
- Boosted LRB computation by fully vectorizing each computation step and using algeabric tricks (as a tip: don't use np.power(), because it is way too slow for big computations). Now, it takes half the amount of time to have more precise results.
[0.1.25] - 2022-02-15
- added show argument in PlotAll.contour_plot()
- added customizable x-axis limits in PlotAll.mult_weibull: x_bounds=[start, end]
[0.1.24] - 2022-01-15
- In previous versions of predictr, saving Weibull plots required to plot and show them. Now, saving plots and actually showing them are independent from each other and can be called separately.
[0.1.23] - 2022-01-02
- Computation of one-sided Likelihood Ratio Bounds had an error, which always resulted in a 95% one-sided bound; no matter what was set by the user.
- Legend fontsize can now be set in mult_weibull(legend_fontsize=9)
- Bootstrap bounds now fully support censored data
- Non-parametric boostrap bias-correction now fully supports censored data (parametric already did)
[0.1.22] - 2021-11-02
- Units in axis labels are now according to the International System of Units (SI):e.g. '[%]' -> 'in %'
[0.1.21] - 2021-08-23
- Custom plot title was not updating in PlotAll
- MRR plots: pvalue was not shown when adj. ranks were being used
- RBA now works correctly in PlotAll
- Linestyles can now be customized in PlotAll -> mult_weibull(linestyle=['-', '-.']) etc.
[0.1.20] - 2021-04-15
- Fixed bug that prevented custom axis labels and titles in mult_weibull()
[0.1.19] - 2021-03-23
- Removed set_cmaps argument in PlotAll. You can now customize the colors for each PlotAll method individually using the color argument.
- Improved consistency of method arguments throughout code: fontsizes, nomenclature etc.
- PlotAll methods can plot median rank markers
- Possibility to save plots for all methods
- Fixed bug that resulted in empty saved plots
[0.1.18] - 2021-03-17
- fig_size didn't work in mult_weibull() due to a bug in the code
[0.1.17] - 2021-03-13
- Better documentation in the code
- Minor changes to have more consistent nomenclature in the code
[0.1.16] - 2021-03-03
- fixed last bug in the median rank computation. Bug occured when multiple failure times were identical
- PlotAll().simple_weibull(): Plots Weibull probability plot according to input (Weibull parameters) without calculations
- PlotAll().weibull_pdf: Plots one or more Weibull probability density functions with fully customizable figure attributes (color, labels, width, height, fontsize etc.)
- Added ability to customize axis labels, title, fontsize etc for Analysis() and PlotAll
- Added ability to hide legend in Weibull plot
[0.1.15] - 2021-02-27
- fixed wrong percentile values for adjusted ranks when suspenions have lower time to failure values than actual failures
- permanent fix for the disappearing Weibull probability line (see changelog for version 0.1.14)
- raise ValueError when np_bs and p_bs bias-correction methods are applied to data that has suspensions
[0.1.14] - 2021-02-16
- temporary fix for instances in Analysis where the Weibull probability line disappears when two-sided bounds are used
[0.1.13] - 2021-01-23
- hrbu was misspelled in the code and raised an error when calling this bias-correction method
[0.1.12] - 2021-01-14
- contour_plot() method in PlotAll class: Plots likelihood ratio contours for Analysis class instances
[0.1.11] - 2021-01-01
- When using npbb and pbb as bounds, bounds types 1sl and 1su would return the same bounds limits. Fixed the percentile method.
[0.1.10] - 2021-01-01
- Minor fix and code restructuring
[0.1.9] - 2021-01-01
- new GithubPage:
- new Class: PlotAll -> plot multiple Weibull plots in one figure
[0.1.7] - 2020-12-29
- changed get_bx_percentile() to a classmethod
[0.1.6] - 2020-12-29
- Official changelog
- New static method get_bx_percentile() for Analysis class. You can now get the time values for given BX-lives
- Argument "bounds" for Fisher bounds: 'fisher' -> 'fb'. This is more in line with the other confidence bounds